University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Florian Schreck works on quantum sensors, simulators and computers based on ultracold strontium gases. These devices exploit quantum properties to perform tasks that are out of reach for classical devices. His research group recently achieved continuous Bose-Einstein condensation, a great starting point for future continuous atom lasers that are useful for quantum sensing. Using their new techniques his group is developing a new generation of optical clocks, continuously operating superradiant and zero-deadtime clocks. His group has also built a quantum simulator based on single Sr atoms loaded into an array of optical tweezers. These atoms can be used as qubits, and will be the basis of quantum simulations, optimizations and computations. Finally his group is exploring ultracold Rb-Sr mixtures with the goal of creating an ultracold gas of RbSr molecules, suitable for the quantum simulation of systems with dipolar interactions.
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Florian Schreck
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prof. Florian Schreck works on quantum sensors, simulators and computers based on ultracold strontium gases. These devices exploit quantum properties to perform tasks that… (more)