Research scientist at TRIUMF
Chloé Malbrunot received her PhD in particle physics from the University of British Columbia in 2012 on the PIENU experiment performed at TRIUMF (Canada’s particle accelerator Center). Following a postdoctoral position at the Austrian academy of Sciences (2012-2013), she was awarded a research fellowship position at CERN (2013-2015) and then took on a research physicist staff position (2016-2021). Her research at CERN was focussed on physics with antihydrogen atoms within the AEGIS and ASACUSA experiments. Se was co-chair of CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator User Committee between 2017 and 2022. She joined TRIUMF as a research scientist in 2022 and is the Canadian PI on the new PIONEER experiment, she is also member of the nEXO collaboration. Her research interest focusses on precision tests of the Standard Model with low energy probes, in particular addressing the question of matter-antimatter asymmetry and searches for exotics.
She is an adjunct Professor at McGill University (Montréal) and at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver).
She is the author of the TED-ed video about about anti-matter and gravity:
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