Conference Posters


1ABIDI MOUINEAtom interferometry based quantum inertial navigation sensors
2ABRAHAM JOELDevelopment of a compact, fibre-based atom interferometer for rotation sensing
3ALLARD BAPTISTEBose-Einstein condensate source on an optical grating-based atom chip for quantum sensor applications
4AUGST NADJAWave-packet evolution during a laser pulse for single- and two-photon atomic diffraction
5BARBERI ALICETheory of a continuous atom laser
6BARCKLAY RACHEL BARCKLAYBroadband Clock Atom Interferometry for Gravity Gradiometry
7BHADANE ANURAGAtom interferometry in microgravity on long time scales
8BIGARD CLARAOptimal Floquet Engineering for Large Scale Atom Interferometers
9BÖHRINGER SAMUELTheoretical Description of Beamsplitters and Mirrors in Potentials via Oscillator Equations
10BOUCHER OSCARCold ytterbium atoms’ source for atom interferometry
11BRUNEAU MATTHIEUSimulation of atomic diffraction through a nanograting
12BÜHLER JAKOBScattering of keV protons at graphene: Insights from simulations
13CHAMAKHI BOURAS RAJAEnhanced Control of Coherent Quantum Transport in Bose-Einstein Condensates using the Ermakov Method
14CHEN XIProgress of space cold atom interferometer in the China Space Station
15DATH HRIDAYEffect of Hyperfine Magnetic Sub level Transitions in Atom  Interferometry based Gravimeter
16DATH HRIDAYEfficient Magnetic Field compensation for Sub Doppler Cooling using Hanle  Effect
17DES COGNETS CYRILLERotating atom interferometer for onboard quantum inertial sensing
18DORNE ANAISTowards a Sagnac atom interferometer using Fresnel zone plate ring waveguides
19ENTIN NICHOLASMAGIS-100 Atom Source Design
20FERSTL RICHARDContinuous deep UV lasers for high-mass matter-wave interference
21FIRENZE GRETAMetrological study of quantum gravimeters for geophysics
22FRIEDRICH ALEXANDERGravitational Redshift Test in the COMPASSO Mission via a Two-Way Frequency Link Between Earth and the ISS
23GARCION CHARLESQuantum Bubbles Under Microgravity Conditions
24GEORGE JOELQuantum Dynamics Control on Integrable Atom Chip Testbed 
25GERENT JEAN-BAPTISTEExperimental realization of RF-dressed ultra-cold bubbles in microgravity: update on the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) mission
26GERLICH STEFANMatter-Wave Interferometry with Metal Clusters and Biomolecules
27GERSEMANN MATTHIASMulti-axis quantum gyroscope with multi-loop atomic Sagnac interferometry
28GIACOMELLI BIANCAToward quantum correlation experiments and applications on CMOS atom chips
29GILL SUKHJOVAN SINGHDark Energy search using atom interferometry in microgravity
30GLASBRENNER ERICLimit of Adiabatic Perturbation Theory for Large-Momentum-Transfer Atom Interferometers
31GRAUER VANESSA ANNABELLEAeroQGrav – absolute quantum gravimetry
32GRENSEMANN KAIVery long baseline atom interferometry for precision gravity sensing
33GÜNTHER JULIANsqueezing enhancement in atom interferometers based on bragg diffraction
34GURCHENKO ALEXEITowards quantum hybrid of atoms and mg-scale pendulums for testing gravitational interaction
35HAASE JAN SIMONTowards all-optical entangled BECs in microgravity
36HANIMELI EKIM TAYLANEnabling interferometry techniques with Bragg and Raman diffractions
37HESKE ASTRIDHerakleitos, de Broglie and the quest for refined cold quantum sensors for space applications
38HOPTON BENProposal for multi-frequency light generation to be used for enhanced atom capture experiments
39HUANG PANWEICompact high-precision absolute atom gravimeter WAG-H5-2 at the 11th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters
41JANSON GREGORRelativistic Center-of-mass and Relative Coordinates in Curved Spacetime – Relativistic Signatures in Atom Interferometry
42JOSSET ALICEProgress towards the creation of spin-squeezed states for AION
43KANITZ CARINATowards creating a low-energy atom beam for matter wave diffraction experiments
44KIRSTEN-SIEMß JAN-NICLASIntuitive and Versatile Software for Real-world Quantum Sensors
45KLEINSTEINBERG GINAScenario Building of a Quantum Space Gravimetry Mission for Earth Observation 
46KOKALJ ZANEffect of an environment on the performance of quantum interferometers
47KONRAD BERNDAngular Bloch Oscillations and their applications


1KREHLIK TOMASZElectromagnetically induced transparency with Rydberg levels in 87Rb BEC
2LAMIRAULT CLOTHILDEPulse shaping and velocity selection in atomic Bragg diffraction
4LATORRE BASTIDAS DAVIDRobust and miniaturized Zerodur based optical and vacuum systems for quantum technology applications
5LE MENER JULIENAtom interferometry in an Einstein Elevator
6LEOPOLDT DORTHETowards dual species atom interferometry in microgravity
7LU SIBINCompact High-Resolution Atomic Interferometric Inertial Sensor
8MAÏNOS ALEXANDREDevelopment of an absolute airborne gravimeter using cold atom interferometry
9MARTINEZ LAHUERTA VICTOR JOSERobust Bragg diffraction for atom interferometers using optimal control theory
10MASIELLO ISMAELE VINCENTDirect extraction of path weak values from interferograms without auxiliary qubits
11MAZZINGHI CHIARADifferential Mach-Zehnder Interferometry with Trapped BECs
12MENG YIMINGLarge scale atom interferometry with the MIGA gravity antenna
13MÉTAYER CLÉMENTAll-optical BEC in microgravity on-board the ZeroG plane
14MHAMMEDI NASSIMDelta-Kick Squeezing: beating the Standard Quantum Limit in atom interferometry
15MÖNKEBERG PATRIKQuantum dynamics of trapped atom interferometers in optical lattices
16MONTERO MARIOTwo-photon E1-M1 clock transition excitation in 174Yb atoms for quantum clock interferometry
17NATALE DAVIDETowards a continuous atom laser 
18NIEHOF CHRISTIANFinite speed of light and gravitational effects in atom interferometry
19OSESTAD EIVIND KRISTENAtomic diffraction by nanoholes in hexagonal boron nitride
20OWEN FREYAMultiple simultaneously operating MOT’s and CMOS technology on an atom chip for optical clocks.
21PATHAK VISHALPerfect Ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate
22PEDALINO SEBASTIANMatter-wave Interference with Metal Nanoparticles
24RAMIREZ BRUNOA tailored source for 1MDa metal nanoparticle interference
25REINHARDT DAVIDEnhancing parameter estimation for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation using Möbius transformations
26ROURA ALBERTAtom interferometer as a freely falling clock for time-dilation measurements
27RÜHMANN SANDRABECCAL – The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory
28RV SRIGANAPATHY RAGHAVCircular Atomtronics with Binary Bose-Einstein Condensate
29RYBAKOVA OLGASources and beam splitters for matter-wave interferometry of proteins
30SABULSKY DYLANTransient rf magnetic gratings for atom interferometry on an atom chip
31SCHWERSENZ NICOSimulating matter-wave lensing of BECs in 2D and 3D
32SI AHMED RAYAN simulation of the effect of the wavefront distortion on the Atomic interferometers
33SLOWINSKI RONNIEAttempting the time reversal of a cold atomic gas cloud with artificial gauge fields
34STIEHLER JAN ERICORKA – Towards a Cavity Enhanced All Optical Rb87 BEC Source for Atom Interferometry in Microgravity
35TANDON DHRUVDeveloping Optical Lattice Transport and Launch Systems for MAGIS-100
36TESTA RENZOquantum state engineering with dynamic optical potentials: from sensing applications to factorization of integers
37TITOV NIKITAThe spherical model on a Y-junction and other graphs
38TROMBETTONI ANDREAEffect of an environment on the performance of quantum interferometers
39UKHANOVA ALISACompact and robust laser system for air-borne gravimetry
40UZUN CERENAn Optically-Guided Atom Interferometer
41VERBEKE KATIAAtom interferometry: a cavity approach
42WERNER MICHAELTomography of the Gravitational Potential in Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometers
43XIA TENGFEITowards non-destructive microwave detection of a trapped ultracold ensemble
44YAN SITONGRecent progress of the 10-meter atom interferometer
45ZHANG DANFANGA compact optical system for dual-species space cold atom interferometer
46ZHANG XIAOWEIDependence of the ellipse fitting noise on the differential phase between interferometers in atom gravity gradiometers