1 | BARBERI ALICE | Theory of a continuous atom laser |
2 | BARCKLAY RACHEL BARCKLAY | Broadband Clock Atom Interferometry for Gravity Gradiometry |
3 | BHADANE ANURAG | Atom interferometry in microgravity on long time scales |
4 | BIGARD CLARA | Optimal Floquet Engineering for Large Scale Atom Interferometers |
5 | BÖHRINGER SAMUEL | Theoretical Description of Beamsplitters and Mirrors in Potentials via Oscillator Equations |
6 | BOUCHER OSCAR | Cold ytterbium atoms’ source for atom interferometry |
7 | DATH HRIDAY | Effect of Hyperfine Magnetic Sub level Transitions in Atom Interferometry based Gravimeter |
8 | DATH HRIDAY | Efficient Magnetic Field compensation for Sub Doppler Cooling using Hanle Effect |
9 | DES COGNETS CYRILLE | Rotating atom interferometer for onboard quantum inertial sensing |
10 | DORNE ANAIS | Towards a Sagnac atom interferometer using Fresnel zone plate ring waveguides |
11 | ENTIN NICHOLAS | MAGIS-100 Atom Source Design |
12 | FIRENZE GRETA | Metrological study of quantum gravimeters for geophysics |
13 | GEORGE JOEL | Quantum Dynamics Control on Integrable Atom Chip Testbed |
14 | GERENT JEAN-BAPTISTE | Experimental realization of RF-dressed ultra-cold bubbles in microgravity: update on the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) mission |
15 | GILL SUKHJOVAN SINGH | Dark Energy search using atom interferometry in microgravity |
16 | GLASBRENNER ERIC | Limit of Adiabatic Perturbation Theory for Large-Momentum-Transfer Atom Interferometers |
17 | GRAUER VANESSA ANNABELLE | AeroQGrav – absolute quantum gravimetry |
1 | GRENSEMANN KAI | Very long baseline atom interferometry for precision gravity sensing |
2 | GÜNTHER JULIAN | squeezing enhancement in atom interferometers based on bragg diffraction |
3 | GURCHENKO ALEXEI | Towards quantum hybrid of atoms and mg-scale pendulums for testing gravitational interaction |
4 | HAASE JAN SIMON | Towards all-optical entangled BECs in microgravity |
5 | HOPTON BEN | Proposal for multi-frequency light generation to be used for enhanced atom capture experiments |
7 | JANSON GREGOR | Relativistic Center-of-mass and Relative Coordinates in Curved Spacetime – Relativistic Signatures in Atom Interferometry |
8 | KLEINSTEINBERG GINA | Scenario Building of a Quantum Space Gravimetry Mission for Earth Observation |
9 | KOKALJ ZAN | Effect of an environment on the performance of quantum interferometers |
11 | LE MENER JULIEN | Atom interferometry in an Einstein Elevator |
12 | LEOPOLDT DORTHE | Towards dual species atom interferometry in microgravity |
13 | MAÏNOS ALEXANDRE | Development of an absolute airborne gravimeter using cold atom interferometry |
14 | MASIELLO ISMAELE VINCENT | Direct extraction of path weak values from interferograms without auxiliary qubits |
15 | MENG YIMING | Large scale atom interferometry with the MIGA gravity antenna |
16 | MÉTAYER CLÉMENT | All-optical BEC in microgravity on-board the ZeroG plane |
17 | MHAMMEDI NASSIM | Delta-Kick Squeezing: beating the Standard Quantum Limit in atom interferometry |
1 | MONTERO MARIO | Two-photon E1-M1 clock transition excitation in 174Yb atoms for quantum clock interferometry |
2 | NATALE DAVIDE | Towards a continuous atom laser |
3 | OSESTAD EIVIND KRISTEN | Atomic diffraction by nanoholes in hexagonal boron nitride |
4 | OWEN FREYA | Multiple simultaneously operating MOT’s and CMOS technology on an atom chip for optical clocks. |
5 | PATHAK VISHAL | Perfect Ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate |
6 | PUTHIYA VEETTIL VISHNUPRIYA | Matter wave lensing |
7 | RAMIREZ BRUNO | A tailored source for 1MDa metal nanoparticle interference |
8 | RÜHMANN SANDRA | BECCAL – The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory |
9 | RYBAKOVA OLGA | Sources and beam splitters for matter-wave interferometry of proteins |
10 | SLOWINSKI RONNIE | Attempting the time reversal of a cold atomic gas cloud with artificial gauge fields |
11 | STIEHLER JAN ERIC | ORKA – Towards a Cavity Enhanced All Optical Rb87 BEC Source for Atom Interferometry in Microgravity |
12 | TANDON DHRUV | Developing Optical Lattice Transport and Launch Systems for MAGIS-100 |
13 | TESTA RENZO | quantum state engineering with dynamic optical potentials: from sensing applications to factorization of integers |
14 | TITOV NIKITA | The spherical model on a Y-junction and other graphs |
15 | UKHANOVA ALISA | Compact and robust laser system for air-borne gravimetry |
16 | VERBEKE KATIA | Atom interferometry: a cavity approach |
17 | ZHANG DANFANG | A compact optical system for dual-species space cold atom interferometer |
18 | BERNSTEIN MADELINE | Precision Measurement of the Fine Structure Constant as a Test of the Standard Model |