Invited Talk
Dennis Schlippert
Test of CPT and Lorentz invariance with a cold (anti)hydrogen beam
Precise spectroscopy of the antihydrogen atom for comparison to it’s matter counternpart, the hydrogen atom, is motivated by searches for New Physics in particular to…
Clock Atom Interferometry for Long-Baseline Atomic Sensors
Clock atom interferometry makes use of narrow optical clock transitions to metastable excited states are the foundation for the world’s best atomic clocks. Such transitions…
Towards prime factorisation in holographic traps
Donatella Cassettari Abstract We report the experimental realization of the prime number quantum potential V_N(x), defined as the potential entering the single-particle Schrödinger Hamiltonian with…
CARIOQA-PMP: Towards a Pathfinder Mission for Quantum Space Gravimetry
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, 18 avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France *for CARIOQA-PMP Consortium
Measurement of short range forces with quectonewton stability
I will present quantum sensing of short-range forces with a force sensor based on trapped atom interferometry. Ultracold atoms are first transported with a Bloch…
Controlling ultracold atoms in optical lattices: theory and practice (but mostly practice)
Quantum optimal control is a fantastic means of manipulating quantum systems for the purposes of quantum technology. In this realm, my specific interests for the…
Laser Excitation of the Th-229 Nucleus
The low-energy nuclear isomer state in Th-229 is resonantly excited in Th-doped calciumfluoride crystals using a tabletop tunable laser system at 148 nm wavelength. The…
Continuous Bose-Einstein condensation and continuously-operating optical clocks
The talk will be given by Ananya Sitaram. Ultracold quantum gases are excellent platforms for quantum simulation and sensing. So far these gases have been…