Continuous Bose-Einstein condensation and continuously-operating optical clocks

Continuous Bose-Einstein condensation and continuously-operating optical clocks

The talk will be given by Ananya Sitaram.

Ultracold quantum gases are excellent platforms for quantum simulation and sensing. So far these gases have been produced using time-sequential cooling stages and after creation they unfortunately decay through unavoidable loss processes. This limits what can be done with them. For example it becomes impossible to extract a continuous-wave atom laser, which has promising applications for precision measurement through atom interferometry [1]. I will present how we achieve continuous Bose-Einstein condensation and create condensates (BECs) that persist in a steady-state for as long as we desire. Atom loss is compensated by feeding fresh atoms from a continuously replenished thermal source into the BEC by Bose-stimulated gain [2]. Our experiment is the matter wave analog of a cw optical laser with fully reflective cavity mirrors. The only step missing to create a continuous-wave atom laser beam is the addition of a coherent atom outcoupling mechanism. We are now using our new techniques also to tackle another challenge: the creation of continuously operating optical atomic clocks, in particular superradiant and zero-deadtime clocks [3,4,5,6]. These clocks offer new possibilities from fundamental science to real-world applications.

The central part of the continuous Bose-Einstein condensation experiment. Fresh atoms (blue) fall into the final vacuum chamber section and make their way to the Bose-Einstein Condensate in the center. In reality, the atoms are not visible to the naked eye. Image processing by Scixel.


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