Markus Arndt & the QNP team @ UNIVIE
University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics,
Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
In 2023/2024 we celebrate the centenary of Louis de Broglie concept of matter waves. It inspired Erwin Schrödinger’s wave equation and a century of studies on quantum foundations and technologies.
While Louis de Broglie still believed to have solved “probably … all problems related to quanta”[1], the very nature of the quantum wave has remained a matter of debate.
Throughout the years, our research group at the University of Vienna has been running matter-wave interference experiments with atoms [2], hydrocarbons [3], organic clusters [4], biomolecules [5-8], macromolecules [8] in more than half a dozen interferometer configurations,
exploring the limits of quantum macroscopicity as well as new applications in bio-physical chemistry and the material sciences. We will review these efforts, recent progress in matter-wave interferometry with massive nanoparticles [10,11] and some prospects for the future.
[1] L. De Broglie, Nature 112 540-540 (1923).

[2] Y. Y. Fein, et al., Phys. Rev. X 10 011014 (2020).
[3] Y. Y. Fein, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 123001 (2022).
[4] P. Haslinger, et al., Nature Physics 9 144 (2013).
[5] L. Mairhofer, et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 10947 (2017).
[6] C. Brand, et al., Ann. Phys. 527, 580 (2015).
[7] C. Brand, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 033604 (2020).
[8] A. Shayeghi, et al., Nat. Communs. 11, 1447 (2020).
[9] Y. Y. Fein, et al., Nature Phys. 15, 1242 (2019).
[10] S. Pedalino, et al., Phys. Rev. A 106, 023312 (2022).
[11] F. Kiałka, et al., AVS Quant. Sci. 4, 020502 (2022).
Markus Arndt
Markus Arndt is Professor of Quantum Nanophysics at the University of Vienna. His group explores the foundations and applications of matter-wave interference with mesoscopic objects such… (more)