Donatella Cassettari is a Lecturer in Quantum Phenomena at the University of St. Andrews. Her research programme focuses on holographic optical traps for ultracold atoms. Holographic traps are realised by shaping the intensity profile of a laser beam using a spatial light modulator, and they allow the creation of many different trapping geometries. Our progress so far has been in laying the foundations of this technique, in the development of the numerical methods needed for hologram calculation, and in the identification of new experimental scenarios that holographic traps enable. Our techniques have inherent versatility and can be applied to different goals in the field of quantum sensing and quantum computation.
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Donatella Cassettari
University of St. Andrews Donatella Cassettari is a Lecturer in Quantum Phenomena at the University of St. Andrews. Her research programme focuses on holographic optical traps… (more)
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