FOMO2022 in Trieste
Summer School: 12-16 September 2022
Conference: 19-23 September 2022
Both at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste.
Anton Zeilinger
Speaker @ FOMO2022
wins the Nobel Price!
(Just a few days after his talk at FOMO2022)
Scope of the Conference
FOMO2022 (19th – 23rd September 2022) is dedicated to frontier research around the following subjects:
- Matter wave explorations with Electrons, Neutrons, Atoms, Bose-Einstein condensates, Biomolecules, Clusters and Nanoparticles
- Theory, Simulation and Experiment of matter wave systems
- Quantum coherence and decoherence
- Matter wave technologies, covering new coherent sources, beam splitters and detection methods
- Non-linear matter wave optics
- Quantum atom optics in vacuum and periodic media
- Matter wave at the interface to general relativity
- Matter wave at the interface to chemistry and biology
- Matter wave searches for new forces or particles
- Matter waves for precision measurements of inertial forces, material properties and fundamental constants.
The Conference shall:
- Provide a broad and inclusive overview over the international state of the field by invited experts
- Facilitate intense discussions around numerous contributed talks
- Trigger new collaborations around extended poster sessions by the young researchers.
The conference is preceded by a Summer School (12th – 16th September 2022), with up to 60 Ph.D. students and postdocs accepted.
The young attendees are encouraged to extend their stay to the following conference.
A session intended to remember and honour the late Helmut Rauch will be held on Thursday 22 September 2022.
History of FOMO
The first conference on Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics – FOMO 2010, was inaugurated in Crete in 2010, followed by FOMO2011, FOMO2014, FOMO2016, FOMO2018, and has become the central international biannual conference on this research topic.